On March 4th, 2006 twenty three interested players gathered at El-Rio Recreation Center to discuss important to our local table tennis community issues. As a result of the meeting, the Southern Arizona Table Tennis Association (SATTA) was formed. The newly formed association will incorporate southern Arizona clubs as associated members. We have voted and approved our new constitution and elected officers that will keep  association running.

    Misha Chernobelskiy - President

    David Wesley - Vice-President, Treasurer

    Alex Chernobelskiy - Finance and Marketing Director
                                         - Junior Development Director

    Steve Rivera - Public Relations

    Barbara Burnison - Secretary

Mailing Address:
Attn. Misha Chernobelskiy. 933B N. Desert Ave., Tucson, AZ 85711

To this day we are self-funded and still entirely run by volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering or have any ideas on how to improve our association, we encourage you to contact us at or call 520-461-8656.


Our mission is to promote table tennis in the Tucson and the Southern Arizona as a popular indoor activity and keenly competitive game. We want to make our website a forum for all local players, keep them informed of ongoing activities, and to support table tennis and local players in their progress.

UA Rec. Center: Grand Opening Tourney 2/19/2010

  THE ROAD TO SUCCESS (always under construction).

Nov. 16 - SOAR Open. SOuthern ARizona table tennis tournament. a USATT Sanctioned Event
August 16-17 - Tucson Open a USATT Sanctioned Event
Aug. 30, Sept. 6 - Pima College table tennis classes.  Flyer
July 12 - New Start - New Champions. Table Tennis Tourney sponsored by SATTA and
              UofA TT Club.
July 5, 12 - Pima College table tennis classes.
June 1 - Southwest Open a USATT Sanctioned Event
May 10 - Asian Pacific Heritage Festival at the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center.
May 3, 10 - Pima College table tennis classes start.  Flyer
April 18 - See us in Action. SportZone 2008 will be an energy filled sports carnival
              held at Ventana Vista Elementary School. The event will consist of sports
              demonstrations, DJ music, lots of great food, mass exposure to a vaeiety of
              traditional and non-traditional sports as well as hands on opportunities to test
              your skills. Come join the fun!. Photos
April 13 - Southern Arizona Table Tennis League begins. Photos
April 9 - Alex Chernobelskiy will give his table tennis presentation with interaction
              with spectators at Forty Niner Country Club.
March 30 - SATTA annual meeting and USATT Awards presentation.
March 29 - Table Tennis workshop and demonstration at Saddlebrook TT Club from
              9AM to 10AM. Coach - R.Bryant Jr., USATT Certified Coach (R).
March 26 - "The Battle of the Ages" teams event featured Austin Preiss, CO (2035)
              a 13-year-old table tennis phenom who already has 4 National table tennis titles
              and is an Olympic Hopeful for the 2012 Olympic Games. Results   Photos
              "Top Performer" Award
March 22 - Table Tennis workshop and demonstration at Sierra Vista TT Club.
              Coach - Alex Chernobelskiy, USATT Certified Coach (C).  Group Photo
Feb. 26 - "Getting Paddled. Wright kids can't go wrong with afterschool table tennis
              club" (by Sarah Hazen, Tucson Citizen's Family Plus).
              Link to the Tucson CitizenArticle (.pdf file) and 200+ Pictures.
John B. Wright Elementary School 3rd-grader, Damien Cuen, 8, learns to control the ball during instruction from coach, Alex Chernobelskiy.

Feb. 9 - Tucson Gem Extravaganza table tennis tournament (TTT). Two top finishers
              of recreational event have been awarded with free USATT membership.
              Results,   Pictures
Jan. 29 - First day of afterschool table tennis program at John B. Wright Elementary
              School (In partnership with TerraSystems Southwest Inc. (Howard Ward),
              DHS America (the Official Table Tennis Supplier of 2008 Olympic Games),
              and Midtown Neighborhood Association.
Jan. 24-25 - Senior Olympic Festival (in cooperation with and sponsored by the City of
              Tucson and Tucson Table Tennis Club). Full Results
Jan. 10 - TOP 10 Lists of 2007


Nov. 17-18 - SOAR Open.Results, Pictures: Day 1,   Day 2
July 28-29 - Tucson Open. Results, Pictures: Day 1,   Day 2
May 26 - Southwest OpenResults, Pictures: Winners,   Day 1
May 4 - Cinco de Mayo event at the John B. Wright Elementary School
May 2 - Table Tennis Exhibition at the Salpointe High School
April 20 - SportZone event at the Ventana Vista Elementary School
March 24 - 2006 Player of the Year. Lev Vays was recognized for his sense of fair play,
              courtesy, and striving spirit. He had an incredible season in 2006, playing all 7
              USATT tournaments in AZ and claiming two singles titles. Full standings.

March 24 - 2006 SATTA Annual Meeting. President's Annual Report.
Jan. 16 - Armory Park 30th Anniversary. First USATT sanctioned Senior Masters
              recreational, non-rated tournament in Arizona. Results and Photo

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